Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Day in Chiang Mai

Nicky and Emma knocked on our door about 8:30, inviting us over to celebrate Christmas gift-giving in Mom & Dad's room. Santa had visited last night. He left several fun small surprises for the girls, and a note to let them know he had been to their home in Singapore, too, with a few other things waiting their return.

Mom, Dad, Grammy, and Pops each exchanged a few items as well. John had gotten juice and coffee, so we all relaxed before going down to a great breakfast buffet.
We were able to Syype the Lupori clan and Matt and Lizzy. They were still busy working on a gingerbread house. Missed the Anderson family, so they must have gotten an early flight.

After a nice breakfast, we all walked to a nearby Buddhist Temple where we met Claire and Andy and baby Jo; Alison and Jonathan. We meandered on to the Chiang Mai Arts & Culture Museum which traces the history of this area's people. Got a quick overview of the last seven hundred years !

Back to our little hotel to enjoy a swim and a bit of lunch around the pool. The food here is very good and very reasonable. Actually the breakfast buffet comes with our room.

It cooled down after 4:30 although the temperatures have only been in the mid-70s.

We all met for dinner at a riverside restaurant, The Gallery, at 6:30. It was get fun getting to know John and Yuko's British friends better, having only met them a few days ago in Singapore. Baby Jo who is 15 months old is a real charmer, and well behaved. Emma set up a shop to "sell" some gifts and showed real salesmanship.
We started dinner with British tradition of pulling crackers. They pop open wilt a small gift and a British joke. Emma read the jokes aloud, and we laughed at the wry humor. We were seated river side and paper lanterns lit with candles were set off into the sky for good luck.

We all were able to pile into a truck taxi and some went to the night market and some of us went to our hotel for ice cream sundaes and grappa. Hated to see midnight come and Christmas to be over.

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