Friday, April 20, 2012

Rainy Days in Fumel

04/18, Wednesday
April showers are in charge. That limits our travels a bit, but we have found some spring chores to help J&M out with...Mom planted colorful petunias on our balcony in front of our apartment, I helped John fill planters with fresh soil, and he and I went to the hardware store to get paint.

This is a pretty complete hardware store, not a Home Depot, but it has all the necessary stuff. In Croatia and Italy and Singapore it's hard to find one store with all the normal hardware items. Rather, you have to seek out several different stores for each item.

Mom made a tasty beef and vegetable stew, and we invited Madeleine and John for dinner. We always have good conversation on topics of interest to us. We played Bananagram, a first for J&M, but they are avid gamesters...scrabble, chess daily. Madeleine got "banana" first and then helped me figure out words for the 6 or 7 tiles I had left.

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