Thursday, March 1, 2012

Catch-Up Day

02/28, Tuesday
This is Leap Year, an extra day tomorrow! What better use than to catch-up on prep, wash clothes, plan for March travels, the stuff one has to do at home. We 're listening to WPFW, 89.3, Washington Pacifica, DC. It's 4:45am there. The deejay is playing blues..."I want to test drive that woman", "I Call My Baby"...these are good old-fashioned tunes.

Just finished b'fast of poached eggs and toast. Now, onto washing clothes and taxes. If we work hard and fast we may ride back into Chiusi with Sergio at 14:45 to visit the Cathedral Museum (It was closed due to snow damage last time we tried.)

Wash is well underway, and taxes are almost ready to submit. Sandy has done some research, and discovered the Val d'Orcia which encompasses our area has some more interesting hill towns.

While eating lunch outdoor, we enjoy talking with a friend of Massimo, Remo, who is a musician. He speaks English very well but his wife who has an American Mom does not. We were listening to James Taylor and he said he knew him. He still lives in Rome where Massimo and Vera are from. Always fun talking with the people here.

Sergio is feeling better. We're off to Chiusi with him, but after a bus ride, we discover the Museum is not open on Tuesday afternoon, so we strike out a second time. That leaves us to explore the old town streets. Just outside the walls there is a ruin that looks like it was once a thermal bath, maybe not too long ago. There is a wonderful belvedere overlooking the valley, too.

While waiting for a return bus we stop in a local bar for a drink. We are exploring new drinks: Dick has a Barberini Narangia (orange liquor) warmed with steam, drunk from a tiny coffee cup. Sandy has had Campari, once with soda, a previous time with white wine...she likes it both ways.

I need a haircut and we have 3/4 hour before Sergio takes us home. "Hair Roberto Style" (Sandy reads it Hair Robber) is on the corner, only €10. There are four guys and a pregnant woman sitting inside. Roberto is having an Italian conversation (lots of loud talk and gestures) with one guy while he cuts my hair. I won't need another cut for awhile. It's the first time in 60 years since I've had a razor neck trim.

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